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Colin Mongta Inspection Services is accredited by NATA as a type "A" inspection body complying to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17020. Accreditation No: 14969
Design verification of designs to AS1210, AS1228, ASME Section VIII Div 1 & Div 2, ASME Section 1, PD5500, GB150, EN Pressure Equipment and New Zealand code of practice.
Fabrication inspection of pressure equipment manufactured in accordance with AS3920, AS1210, AS1228, ASME Section VIII Div 1, ASME Section 1, PD5500 and New Zealand code of practice.
In-Service inspection in accordance with AS/NZS3788 of the following types of pressure equipment;
Boilers, steam pressure vessels, vessels with quick activating closures, fired heaters or convection banks, water heaters, compressed air containing vessels, static storage vessels, process vessels, auxiliary vessels, refrigerated and air-conditioning vessels, static low temperature vessels (below -10° C), buried or mounded pressure equipment, pressure piping, transportable vessels, pressure relief devices and heritage boilers and pressure vessels.
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