+61 3 9394 5900

Colin Mongta Inspection Services has earned its positive reputation because we go out of our way to provide truly exceptional service to each of our customers. We understand that your needs can change last minute, and we’re ready to adapt our services quickly to ensure your success. Read on to learn more about what we can do for you.
A comprehensive design verification service complying with the requirements of AS3920, designing, importing and operating pressure equipment within Australia for the following design codes: AS1210, AS1228, PD5500, EN pressure equipment, GB150, ASME Section 1 and VIII Div 1 & 2, New Zealand Code of Practice.
Provide a fabrication inspection service complying with the requirements of AS 3920 which specifies the requirements for the assurance of product quality in the manufacture of boilers, pressure vessels and pressure piping, the standard applies to design, fabrication, inspection, testing and despatch of pressure equipment.