+61 3 9394 5900

Safety focused
All boilers and pressure vessels with a hazard level A, B or C (as determined by AS 4343 - Hazard levels) require in-service inspection at a frequency determined by table 4.1 of AS/NZS3788.
The owner of the pressure equipment is responsible for ensuring that the extent and frequency of
inspection is appropriate and adequate for the continued safe operation of the pressure
equipment. Inspections carried out by Colin Mongta Inspection Services are in accordance with AS/NZS 3788 which satisfies the OH&S regulation and are underpinned by our Quality Management system complying with the requirements of AS/NZS ISO9001.
Static storage vessels
Boilers (Including Heritage boilers)
Vessels with quick activating closures
Process vessels
Fired heaters or convection banks
Auxiliary vessels
Water heaters (Calorifiers)
Refrigerated and air-conditioning vessels
Compressed air containing vessels
Static low temperature vessels (below-10°C)
Buried or mounded pressure equipment
Steam pressure vessels
Transportable vessels
Pressure piping
For more info Please see our FAQ
Please contact CMIS to discuss your pressure vessel inspection needs.